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Creating a Plugin

The root directory of a plugin must contain at least two files:

  • plugin.json: A JSON file describing the plugin information
  • index.js: A JavaScript script implementing the functionality

The plugin bundle is a zip archive of these two files.

Configuring plugin.json

idstringUnique identifier for the plugin, must consist of numbers, lowercase letters, and dots.
namestringPlugin name, no restrictions, but it's recommended to keep it short.
versionstringPlugin version number, must consist of numbers, lowercase letters, and dots.
descriptionstring-Plugin description.
configurationobject-Array of plugin options, this field is used to provide options for users to select or fill in, see config object.

config object

titlestringCategory displayed on the configuration page for the plugin
propertiesRecord<string, object>Configuration JSON Schema, example below
  "title": "OpenAI",
  "properties": {
    "openai.apiKey": {
      "type": "string",
      "description": "The API key to use for OpenAI",
      "default": "",
      "format": "password"

Implementing index.js

As mentioned earlier, index.js is a JavaScript script that needs to export an activate function for NovaChat to initialize, and all plugin-related APIs are imported from @novachat/plugin.

Here's a plugin that doesn't do anything:

export async function activate() {
  console.log('demo plugin activated')

Adding LLM Support

To add support for a new LLM, use novachat.model.registerProvider to register a new LLM Provider, which generally provides multiple models.

Here's an implementation of the OpenAI Provider:

import * as novachat from '@novachat/plugin'
import OpenAI from 'openai'

function convertReq(
  req: novachat.QueryRequest,
  stream?: boolean,
): OpenAI.ChatCompletionCreateParams {
  return {
    model: req.model,
    messages: => {
      if (it.from === 'user' && it.attachments) {
        return {
          role: 'user',
          content: [
              type: 'text',
              text: it.content,
              (atta) =>
                  type: 'image_url',
                  image_url: { url: atta.url },
                } as OpenAI.ChatCompletionContentPartImage),
      return {
        content: it.content,
        role: it.from,

export async function activate(context: novachat.PluginContext) {
  const client = async () => {
    return new OpenAI({
      apiKey: await novachat.setting.get('openai.apiKey'),
      dangerouslyAllowBrowser: true,
  await novachat.model.registerProvider({
    name: 'OpenAI',
    models: [
      { id: 'o1-preview', name: 'o1-preview' },
      { id: 'o1-mini', name: 'o1-mini' },
      { id: 'gpt-4o', name: 'GPT-4o' },
      { id: 'gpt-4o-mini', name: 'GPT-4o-mini' },
      { id: 'gpt-4', name: 'GPT-4' },
      { id: 'gpt-4-turbo', name: 'GPT-4o-turbo' },
    async invoke(query) {
      const response = await (
        await client()
        convertReq(query) as OpenAI.ChatCompletionCreateParamsNonStreaming,
      return {
        content: response.choices[0].message.content ?? '',
    async *stream(query) {
      const response = await (
        await client()
        convertReq(query, true) as OpenAI.ChatCompletionCreateParamsStreaming,
      for await (const it of response) {
        yield {
          content: it.choices[0].delta.content ?? '',

The above uses novachat.setting.get('openai.apiKey') to get the user-configured API Key, so you also need to add configuration options in plugin.json.

  "configuration": {
    "title": "OpenAI",
    "properties": {
      "openai.apiKey": {
        "type": "string",
        "description": "The API key to use for OpenAI",
        "default": "",
        "format": "password"


Implementing a Prompt Bot

Sometimes you just want to use prompts for role-playing or other purposes, hoping to use the already configured LLM Provider. In this case, you can implement a Prompt Bot. Here's a translation plugin that detects the language of the input content and translates it to English if it matches the user's default language, otherwise translates it to the user's configured language.

import * as novachat from '@novachat/plugin'
import { last } from 'lodash-es'
import { franc } from 'franc-min'

  'You are a professional, authentic machine translation engine.'
const USER_MESSAGE = `
Translate the following source text to {{to}}, Output translation directly without any additional text.
Source Text: {{text}}

Translated Text:

export async function activate() {
  await novachat.model.registerBot({
    id: 'translator',
    name: 'Translator',
    async *stream(
      query: novachat.QueryRequest,
    ): AsyncGenerator<novachat.QueryChunkResponse> {
      const lastMessage = last(query.messages)
      if (!lastMessage) {
        throw new Error('No last message')
      const defaultModel = await novachat.model.getDefault()
      if (!defaultModel) {
        throw new Error('No default model')
      const localLanguage =
        (await novachat.setting.get('translator.localLanguage')) ?? 'eng'
      const language = franc(lastMessage.content)
      const toLanguage = language === localLanguage ? 'eng' : localLanguage
      const stream ={
        messages: [
          { from: 'system', content: SYSTEM_MESSAGE },
            from: 'user',
            content: USER_MESSAGE.replace('{{to}}', toLanguage).replace(
      for await (const it of stream) {
        yield it


Released under the MIT License.